Friday, March 9, 2007

Oy vey iz mir!!!

So, it turns out, much of my problems with my computer/accessing the blog, is/are the youngest of "da Boyz" {Tigger & FizzleDizzle} - they decided that the PS/2-USB adapter for my mouse needed to be jumped on/batted at/generally there for their amusement - they bent the outer cylinder of the PS/2 portion .................... it's now in a USB port ........................ ;-)
Took the neighbors' male dog and their cat for 'cheap shots' today, to the "Mobile Vet" - now that they're taken care of re: rabies, they can be neutered - also got Stubby 'K' & FizzleDizzle their shots - after bringing them home, another neighbor was asking if I knew of an outside cat that needed a home - Stubby MAY be going to his daughter's - they have a couple of ponds on their property, with snakes - he reassured me that Stubby would be fed, loved, have shelter, AND that his daughter will keep Benadryl on hand in case he's bitten by a snake ...................... but as an un-neutered Tom, Stubby will probably just have to spray, marking his turf, & the snakes will decamp for other areas ............................ the gentleman who's our neighbor also reassured me that, if Stubby isn't being cared for as necessary, he'll bring him back to me ..........................
I wrote this a couple days ago, to post here, before I realized my problems accessing .........................
Don’t know how the REST of the country is dealing ……………………..
With the news media doing their collective best impression of Chicken Little re: the “early” application of daylight savings time …………………………. Here in the wilds of Houston, one would think we’re re-experiencing ‘the Millennium’ – and the denizens of this part of Texas are too collectively stupid to figure out how to change all the clock-dependent gadgets’ times …………………… {have I mentioned how I loathe being addressed as though I’m an idiot/3 year old child? ;-) }
AND, another thing – SUVs have been getting bad press for years now, because they protect the people riding in them, to the detriment of people in other types of vehicles. Now, I’ve always heard that Volvos are extremely good vehicles, as far as protection of the passengers – again, it would seem that would occur to the cost of people in other vehicles, but you never hear of put downs of Volvos …………………………

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