Friday, June 25, 2010

The current occupant of the White House is at it again ...................................

LLMD {Long-Legged Mac Daddy, h/t Dr. James David Manning, The Oblation Hour} is promoting someone ELSE above his level of incompetence - Hurtt couldn't even pass the Texas law enforcement exams for the better part of a year AFTER he took over HPD - he's a drooling proponent of "sanctuary cities", and a subtle {as opposed to Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton/etc.} race-baiter - GOOD GOING, LLMD - put yet someone else in a $180,000.00/year job to NOT ENFORCE THE LAWS


1 comment:

Old NFO said...

I'm just glad all my relatives left Houston... sigh...

WV- goloar as in how much lower can they go?