Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Lots of places around the 'Net discussing the Tiller murder .................................

WARNING: Do NOT click on the link @ work, or if there are children or "delicate types" around - VERY GRAPHIC!!!

several sites are linking to The Abortion Gallery - VERY upsetting photos {I couldn't watch too much of the video} - but I damn well DARE anyone to view those pictures & tell me "it's just a mass of tissue" ........................ I don't agree with the murder of Tiller; I didn't celebrate Saddam Hussein's execution - but I certainly won't be losing any sleep over either of their deaths ........................ I will, however, keep
2 Army hometown recruiters in my thoughts - THEIR murderer/attempted murderer "appears to have been upset with the military, the Army" - on his own, personal jihad, perhaps?


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