Monday, September 17, 2007

Matt G & his Dad, Holly the Goddess' DB, have posts about

having to "put down" animals over the course of their lives ........................... Matt's denouement is here; HtG's DB's ishere ...................... I've been involved, to one degree or another, in humane work for the past 36 years - I have had the utter joy of 'midwifing' cats & dogs in labor; AND I have held cats, dogs, rats & mice while they were euthanized, or died of injuries or diseases {feline leukemia & feline herpes are the WORST} - it's never been easy, whether they were strays or my own beloved pets - but it HAS to be done, whether to alleviate suffering, or because there just aren't enough homes to go around - I've heard the old saw for years, that parents want their children to witness "the miracle of life" - that comes with a matching responsibility, and I believe that it's incumbent on the parents to ensure their children also witness the reality of death ..............................I'll have more on this subject tomorrow .............................

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