Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010


From Francis Porretto of Eternity Road, a MUST read ...................................



Wednesday, July 7, 2010

On paper, Arizona's controversial new immigration law

is not that different from the federal version.

But the key difference is this: Arizona wants every illegal immigrant caught and deported. The federal government says treating all 11 million of the nation's illegal immigrants as criminals would overwhelm the system.
Full article.

Wouldn't it be ironic, if a majority of states enact laws based on Arizona's SB 1070, and illegals "self-deport" {either to their home nations, or states that are de facto 'sanctuaries'}, thereby nullifying the LLMD "Justice" Department's claims of being 'overwhelmed'? Of course, should they self-deport within the U.S., the Lamenters would have to deal with'em, wouldn't they?


Thursday, July 1, 2010

This is a re-post of one of my earliers ................................

since today is the 11th anniversary of my sending out all those postcards ............................. ;-)

My spousal unit & I first met back in 1977, in Memphis - he was just coming off the San Diego drill field as a DI, I was a newly-minted Pvt. from Parris Island .................. he fulfilled my need for a friend who I could ask "guy questions" of - {"why do guys .................?"} - he became known as my big brother - we had a semi-platonic relationship {we kissed & cuddled, but no sex} - when I was done with school there in Memphis, I was transferred to Cherry Point - he was heading back to New River, so he gave me a ride - we get to Cherry Point, and it's overwhelming - it's a HUGE base - he recommends I put in for New River {I think he was concerned about the trouble I could get myself in, on my own at the Pit} - I go on down there - get assigned to my squadron {HMH-362, the Ugly Angels, for those who are interested} - one fine day, I'm hanging out in my shop {Avionics} and HE walks in to check on me - he stands there, typical DI position, hands on hips - I immediately notice - HE HAS ROCKERS! He had just made Staff Sergeant {this is a BIG deal, for those unfamiliar} - I jump up & throw my arms around his neck, congratulating him ........................... we chitchatted for a bit, then he went back to his squadron .......................... my co-workers {I was the ONLY woman in the squadron at the time} were quizzing me as to who he was ....................... nonchalantly told them, he's my big brother ..................... could never figure out why I wasn't asked out on dates after that .......................... ;-) Ya gotta understand - he's 6'2" - at the time, he was about 215# - ALL muscle - had the broadest shoulders, tiniest waist & hips I'd EVER seen ..........................
ANYhoo, we lost touch for about 21 years ...................... on 1 July 1999, I sent out 19 postcards, to every Mike L******** who's snailmail I could find on the 'Net - reason I sent postcards, if he was married/involved, I didn't want to cause problems for him - on 6 July {coincidentally, my parents' 45th wedding anniversary}, got a call - soon as I heard his voice, I KNEW it was him - came down to Houston for a 4 day visit at the end of July - the night I returned to PA, he told me he loved me - 10 days later, he proposed {he still gets a chuckle from my speechlessness then} - I moved down in September, we were married the end of November {the Friday after Thanksgiving - to him, THAT's our anniversary! ;-)} moved to Mexico the following May ............................. that's where "Before we got back in touch" comes in ....................... ;-)


Also, just for S & G's, let's see if I can successfully "embiggen" a couple of photos .......................

Dawn and Mary
Our Progeny & me 6 July 2002, Monterrey

Dawn, Super Fod, Diamond Mair and Pancho
Our Progeny, my Spousal Unit, me & our Progeny's boyfriend, 8 December 2001, Monterrey
