Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Video you NEED to watch ......................................

via Old NFO, from An Ordinary American - I'm privileged to know a young woman from Ukraine {NOTE:  It is NOT proper to refer to it as "The Ukraine"}, who is brilliant and beautiful, one of the kindest young women it's been my pleasure to get to know - I've not had the opportunity to ask her about recent events, but rest assured, I will ..................................................

Some of the older folks among us might remember a movie titled " Z " from 1969; the "authorities" in the video above remind me of the truncheon-wielding "authorities" in " Z ".  As Martin Niemöller noted

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me.

Friday, February 7, 2014

So, right now, I'm a little bit high from

prescription hydrocodone cough syrup ............................. beginning ~ Tuesday, I was feeling like a case of impending bronchitis - took off work & went to doctor yesterday {our regular doc pulled up stakes & headed to one of the Carolinas, for his wife's sake, per office staff}, new "doc" is female PA, which means I can get 'well-woman checks' at regular docs vs. referral to specialists {YAY!}.  She diagnosed me with a sinus infection, beginning bronchitis, etc.  Prescribed Z-pak of Azithromycin, Flonase steroid nasal spray, Vituz Solution cough syrup {new-to-me, and NO GUIAFENSIN!! ;-) }, AND just for good measure, a steroid shot to my tuchis to symptomatically treat the congestion. 

The pharmacy had to order the cough syrup, so went back today to get it - called work this morning & told them I wouldn't be in, achey in all joints - the cough syrup is pretty cool stuff - took 1 teaspon 1.5 hrs ago, and feeling pretty relaxed .................................. yeah, THIS will help me sleep.  ;-)

Work is ................................... OK, I guess ...................................... kinda got put on the spot by someone I really like & respect, to the effect that I'm needed as a shift supervisor, whereas most anybody can do patrol.  Ah, what the hell, it all pays the same - and if McDonald's burger flippers start getting $15.00/hr, I want to see MY pay double!!  Slightly more responsibility being armed security than "would you like fries with that?"  ;-)
