Sunday, February 22, 2009

Via Crusader Rabbit, I was led to

an article @ Gates of Vienna blogspot - no, I'm not reading my 'daily reads', since I'm using my spousal unit's computer for the moment {my computer is having "issues"} ........................ ANYhoo, seems the Canadians are having some fun with 'freedom of speech' up there ................... I'm confused {not necessarily unusual for me} - as far as I know, it's pretty much been the standard that one does not falsely yell "FIRE!" in a crowd ...................... yet Mark Steyn & others have recently been taken to task through the court system, for honestly shouting "FIRE!" regarding Jihadis and their Western enablers; shouldn't the same standard be applied to those who PROMOTE the Jihadi itinerary? Doesn't the "majesty of the Law" devolve down to the premise that, theoretically, all are EQUAL before the bar of justice? I know, the reality is, one gets the 'justice' one pays for, but the IDEAL {yes, I'm guilty of being idealistic} is that, no matter WHAT one's background/culture/etc., are, in court, in front of a judge & jury of one's peers, one is evaluated as an individual ........................



MathewK said...

In a lot of western courts, you are treated harshly if you are a not a leftist. But regarding this case, last i heard, Steyn wasn't tried in an actual court, rather a kangaroo court of the leftist persuasion. Because he refuses to bend over to the leftist scum and the jihadist scum.

Diamond Mair said...

Yeah, the more I read, of & by, Mark Steyn, the closer he comes to be a hero, IMO ..................

Semper Fi'

KG said...

Of course you're idealistic--nobody worth a damn can be anything else.
Idealism married to pragmatism and courage is what makes civilisation possible.
And bless you for it!