Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Color me overly-empathetic, but .....................................

I HAVE to admit to some degree of feeling sorry for Odrama with his Cabinet/Department head picks ....................... I seriously doubt that he's spent any great degree of time with these people {Richardson, Geithner, Killefer, Daschle, et al} - he "knows" them primarily by reputation and his advisors' commentaries - his 'advisors' are in you-scratch-my-back mode as far as putting someone in a position of power, so their "advice" isn't worth the powder it would take to blow it away .................... it just boggles my brain-housing group that SO MANY would have been getting away with being tax cheats - 'regular' Americans SWEAT BLOOD every year @ this time, from now 'til audit notices go out - the IRS is a monolithic creature that had it's time - it's time is now passed - what is NEEDED is to go to a straight "usage/consumption tax" - you pay tax on what you USE/CONSUME - it is then incumbent on BUSINESSES to deliver tax revenues to whichever authority, federal/state/local - if this were already in place, 3/4 of the names listed above wouldn't be going through this embarrassment ............................ ANOTHER point about usage/consumption tax - even if one is working in this country illegally, food & clothing would be subject to the tax, so illegals would be "contributing to the body politic" ........................


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