Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Our beloved LawDog is taking on .........................

FWIW, count this non-LEO on HIS side ........................... anybody who advocates what "Tom" does should be hanged, drawn & quartered .................... for those unaware, Braveheart showed it pretty close to historically accurately - one is "half hanged" - then let down - the trunk is split - then each arm & leg are tied to a horse - and the horses are whipped in 4 different directions ...........................


DW said...

You are shch a sweet and gentle child, I know you are foriegn to the finer points of....persuasion.
Consider the difference if you took the object of your disgust down to the salt marsh at low tide, gag it, strip it, and stake it out with the lower appendages in the water slightly, cut a line across the feet and let the blood draw the crabs. Nasty little bastards, they love tender flesh, I'm thinkin' they would cause a comotion shortly.

DW said...

If you need the interaction to be a little more personal, gather a healthy pile of small twigs and build a small fire, on the belly, or slightly north of the knees. Feed the fire untilthe desired effect is reached.
You could suspend the perp with his head in a tub, filled with the disgusting liquid of your choice, to the point that by a concentrated effort the breathing passages are clear of the fluid. Be assured the perp will tire and the time immersed will lengthen. Only an organised determined effort will allow the perp to breathe. This to, will pass.

Anonymous said...

worked then, should work now.