Saturday, February 16, 2008

From my Colonel .........................................

No offense to any Canadian readers, but I, for one, DON'T want your style of healthcare .......................

Brain surgery


Anonymous said...

It's nice that they have free health care, but the wait is just ridicules. Thank goodness that man went to Buffalo and is alive and walking. I hope he gets his money back, but I doubt it.

MathewK said...

You wouldn't want ours either DM, unless you're some sort of crackhead leftist parasite.

SpeakerTweaker said...

Free health care my shiny ultra white backside.

Ain't nothing free about having a Class II tumor become a Class IV tumor while waiting for a "complements of da gubmint" health evaluation.

If you DIE waiting? I'd say that's a pretty damned high price, if'n you'll pardon my expression, ma'am.


Rita Loca said...

You get what you pay for...I have lived in Venezuela under socialized medicine, not so great!