Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Received a 'can you help us out?' from the "new" GOP ..............................

My response:

Unless/until the GOP takes a firm stance AGAINST illegal immigration, and protecting/maintaining what little national sovereignty/integrity "we, the people" still possess, DO NOT LOOK to US to help in ANY manner.

Semper Fi'
Mary L*******



Wraith said...

The 'new' GOP needs to get back to the 'old' Goldwater/Reagan GOP if they expect to survive. But I fear they won't.

It's simple. We don't want 'Democrat Lite,' we want Constitutional conservatives. Why do they seem incapable of understanding this?

Diamond Mair said...

Because they've gotten away with being RINOs for so long, and are SO AFRAID of whatever names the Demsheviks might call them - as a woman, *I* have more testicular fortitude than a lot of presumptive "men" of the GOP ...................

Semper Fi'