but as an American who well-remembers the first WTC bombing, Khobar Towers, Beirut, the USS Cole, 9/11, 3/11, 7/7, Bali, Mumbai, and various & sundry other atrocities committed by the 'Religion of Peace", I REALLY have to take issue with those who flaunt well-recognized maritime laws, then claim "Israel started it", and expect the rest of the world to pat their hands and "there-there" them. {Of course, naming a vessel after someone who was too STUPID to get out of the way of a bulldozer leaves some cause for wonder if the collective IQ of the group is above room temperature.}
Compare & contrast the "reports" from Yahoo News here and here, with these two reports from Muqata and Theo Spark; also, check out Double Tapper's reports. In order to protect the "innocent civilians", the IDF was using PAINT BALL GUNS!
I'm hopeful that Prime Minister Netanyahu will, in the future, take the gloves off when dealing with those who would support Fatah, Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda and any other Islamofascist organization {many of which, also, support/condone/force FGM on their female children}. If one is too obtuse to recognize the illegitimacy of groups that advocate wholesale genocide, they can then do the world a favor and 'Darwin' themselves.
Meanwhile, in Pakistan .......................
Primarily, a place for folks to gather .................. if I {we?} can give you a chuckle, or a bit of hope, GREAT! If I make you think, so much the better ................. and if I encourage you to research for yourselves, to make your own, independent judgments - I will be fulfilled.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
From a friend {former Marine} .............................. watch til the end ..............................
and people wonder why Marines love their Navy Corpsmen?
Lest we forget what Memorial Day is all about ......................
Lest we forget what Memorial Day is all about ......................
For all those silent on the subject of FGM ..............................
go HERE and scroll down to "Types of Female Genital Mutilation" - don't worry, nothing graphic, just line drawings of what is done, very sterile appearing, then think about this: If you're a woman, would YOU undergo ANY of the variations listed? How about as the parent of a girl, would YOU permit this to be done to YOUR child?
As I noted, the drawings are very sterile appearing - the REALITY is that these "procedures" are often done with rusty knives, broken glass, and 'sterility' is a completely foreign concept {unless it's the emotional and physical sterility and pain foisted upon the girls}. It's most often performed on girls between the ages of 4 and 10, with mothers/mother figures performing it, demanded by the fathers/father figures.
So, to all the so-called "feminists" who wank/whine/whinge about Western men's behaviors, STFU unless/until you're willing to call out the practitioners of THIS barbarism and fight for the rights of these girls/women .............................
As I noted, the drawings are very sterile appearing - the REALITY is that these "procedures" are often done with rusty knives, broken glass, and 'sterility' is a completely foreign concept {unless it's the emotional and physical sterility and pain foisted upon the girls}. It's most often performed on girls between the ages of 4 and 10, with mothers/mother figures performing it, demanded by the fathers/father figures.
So, to all the so-called "feminists" who wank/whine/whinge about Western men's behaviors, STFU unless/until you're willing to call out the practitioners of THIS barbarism and fight for the rights of these girls/women .............................
Had a VERY interesting talk with a census worker yesterday ................................
I came home {late afternoon} as she was knocking on our door - I tend to become a LITTLE bit irritated at such - with the FodGuy working 3rd shift, he's SLEEPING then - she was asking about the address next to us {an empty lot} - told her it's been vacant as long as we've been here. HERE'S the thing - she's the THIRD census worker I've seen wandering around here - rather than figure out WHAT information is need from WHO at each location, this charlie-foxtrot of a census is sending multiple individuals out multiple times to the SAME locations - the lady I spoke with is #1 supervisor, following up #2 supervisor's complaints that #2's people 'aren't getting the information' {WAHHHHHH!}.
Number 1 lives locally, is in charge of an area ~ 10 miles x 5 miles - HER subordinates are having to run back & forth to the office, to obtain Spanish language forms, because of the numbers of illegals in this area, living 10+ to a household.
She recently tried to buy a lot adjacent to her property, but the owner turned her down {same thing happened with her neighbor across the street} - the property owner is putting not-worthy-for-doghouses trailers on the lots - NO septic systems being installed - when #1 called the county office that handles such, she was told it wasn't necessary, as OUTHOUSES were being provided ............................. ummmmmmmm, NO - 'we' may be living in "the country" but that doesn't mean we're all stupid .............................. the owner of the lots with the crappy trailers is moving illegals into them, up to 16 people in 3 bedroom trailers ............................................ I'm thinking the county government {since it's outside the 'city limits'} is gonna get a little SICK of complaints before "we're" done ................................................
Number 1 lives locally, is in charge of an area ~ 10 miles x 5 miles - HER subordinates are having to run back & forth to the office, to obtain Spanish language forms, because of the numbers of illegals in this area, living 10+ to a household.
She recently tried to buy a lot adjacent to her property, but the owner turned her down {same thing happened with her neighbor across the street} - the property owner is putting not-worthy-for-doghouses trailers on the lots - NO septic systems being installed - when #1 called the county office that handles such, she was told it wasn't necessary, as OUTHOUSES were being provided ............................. ummmmmmmm, NO - 'we' may be living in "the country" but that doesn't mean we're all stupid .............................. the owner of the lots with the crappy trailers is moving illegals into them, up to 16 people in 3 bedroom trailers ............................................ I'm thinking the county government {since it's outside the 'city limits'} is gonna get a little SICK of complaints before "we're" done ................................................
Friday, May 28, 2010
Ye-eah, the economy is doing SO WELL ....................................
for the first time since we moved here {2002}, free meals are being offered over the summer, June 8-July 20, for children aged 18 & under, @ the local high school .............................
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Due to a request from HillBuzz ...................................
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Warning from a friend in KCMO .........................................
this is from Snopes
The e-mail said:
This warning is incredible and also verified. I'm sending it to everyone in my address book so as to head off possible future injury.
Warning: Be Careful Picking Up Plastic Soda Pop/Water Bottles
Don't pick up any plastic bottles that may be lying in your yard.
Read this and click the Snopes link for more info and a video: http://www.snopes.com/crime/warnings/bottlebomb.asp.
Be careful, watch the video and warn others.
· a plastic bottle with a cap.
· a little Drano.
· a little water.
· a small piece of foil.
· Disturb it by moving it and BOOM!!
· No fingers left and other serious damage to your face, eyes, etc.
People are finding these bombs in mailboxes and in their yards, just waiting for someone to pick one up intending to put it in the trash.
It takes about 30 seconds to blow after you move the thing. This happened not too long ago ... April 27, as a matter of fact ... and was reported by a Michigan deputy sheriff who safely exploded two of them.
As an aside, if law enforcement/fire personnel are not available, I would think covering the bottle with a bucket of some type until appropriate personnel can take care of it would be prudent ........................
The e-mail said:
This warning is incredible and also verified. I'm sending it to everyone in my address book so as to head off possible future injury.
Warning: Be Careful Picking Up Plastic Soda Pop/Water Bottles
Don't pick up any plastic bottles that may be lying in your yard.
Read this and click the Snopes link for more info and a video: http://www.snopes.com/crime/warnings/bottlebomb.asp.
Be careful, watch the video and warn others.
· a plastic bottle with a cap.
· a little Drano.
· a little water.
· a small piece of foil.
· Disturb it by moving it and BOOM!!
· No fingers left and other serious damage to your face, eyes, etc.
People are finding these bombs in mailboxes and in their yards, just waiting for someone to pick one up intending to put it in the trash.
It takes about 30 seconds to blow after you move the thing. This happened not too long ago ... April 27, as a matter of fact ... and was reported by a Michigan deputy sheriff who safely exploded two of them.
As an aside, if law enforcement/fire personnel are not available, I would think covering the bottle with a bucket of some type until appropriate personnel can take care of it would be prudent ........................
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Received a 'can you help us out?' from the "new" GOP ..............................
My response:
Unless/until the GOP takes a firm stance AGAINST illegal immigration, and protecting/maintaining what little national sovereignty/integrity "we, the people" still possess, DO NOT LOOK to US to help in ANY manner.
Semper Fi'
Mary L*******
Unless/until the GOP takes a firm stance AGAINST illegal immigration, and protecting/maintaining what little national sovereignty/integrity "we, the people" still possess, DO NOT LOOK to US to help in ANY manner.
Semper Fi'
Mary L*******
Monday, May 24, 2010
From Theo Spark, on this Monday before Memorial Day .......................................
SO GLAD Dr. Utopia isn't shown!!!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
From VDare.com .......................................
“Attagirl!” Postcards For Arizona’s Governor Brewer
Posted By Paul Nachman On 20 May 2010 @ 8:49 In General | Comments Disabled
On a prior occasion, I urged VDARE blog readers to send postcards of gratitude and support to Maricopa County (AZ) Sheriff Joe Arpaio. I’m just guessing that such tangible support — picture postcards from all over the country — will be both morale boosters and useful props for the sheriff to demonstrate that his immigration enforcement has widespread support from ordinary citizens.
Now it’s time to do the same for Arizona’s stand-up governor Jan Brewer. She’s come on strong in the last couple of months, not only by signing SB1070, for state enforcement of federal laws against illegal immigration, but also by signing two other bills that relate to what Peter Brimelow calls “the National Question,” i.e. whether a polity has the right to sustain its own culture.
One of those other bills makes it explicit that Arizona businesses have no obligation to provide translators for potential customers or clients who don’t speak English. The third bill aims to prevent the ethnic-studies curricula in Arizona public schools from being training classes for another generation of race-focused grievance merchants. These other two bills have been discussed by Brenda Walker (here) and Rob Sanchez (here), respectively.
Further, Brewer hasn’t backed down under the coast-to-coast vituperation resulting from her signature on SB1070. Instead, she’s found her voice, as noted by Larry Auster here and here.
Thus Brewer is that rarity among contemporary American politicians: She has a spine! Still, the execration from all directions must be at least somewhat daunting. So let’s barrage her with postcards expressing our gratitude and support.
Postcards are good because they’re tangible (unlike emails), colorful (if you send a picture postcard that features your locale), and easy to deal with: There’s nothing to open, and your message has to be short. Further, if you sign it and just give your city and state (i.e. no street address), it’s clear that no response is expected.
Here’s what I managed to — legibly — squeeze onto a card whose front is a spectacular photo of the rushing Gallatin River amid the Spanish Peaks:
Dear Gov. Brewer,
I wish you were here, signing good laws in Montana, too! I’m thinking of SB1070, the one against forcing businesses to supply translators, and the one against ethnic studies classes that teach sedition and hatred of whites. I’m sure citizens across the country envy Arizonans for having a governor with the courage to stand up for citizens’ interests.
To your good health!
Paul Nachman
Bozeman, MT
Her snail-mail address is
Governor Jan Brewer
1700 W. Washington
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Currently, postage for an “ordinary-sized” postcard (mine is 4″ X 5.75″) is $0.28.
Let’s swamp her with approval coming from all 50 states!
Article printed from VDARE.com: Blog Articles: http://blog.vdare.com
URL to article: http://blog.vdare.com/archives/2010/05/20/attagirl-postcards-for-arizonas-governor-brewer/
Posted By Paul Nachman On 20 May 2010 @ 8:49 In General | Comments Disabled
On a prior occasion, I urged VDARE blog readers to send postcards of gratitude and support to Maricopa County (AZ) Sheriff Joe Arpaio. I’m just guessing that such tangible support — picture postcards from all over the country — will be both morale boosters and useful props for the sheriff to demonstrate that his immigration enforcement has widespread support from ordinary citizens.
Now it’s time to do the same for Arizona’s stand-up governor Jan Brewer. She’s come on strong in the last couple of months, not only by signing SB1070, for state enforcement of federal laws against illegal immigration, but also by signing two other bills that relate to what Peter Brimelow calls “the National Question,” i.e. whether a polity has the right to sustain its own culture.
One of those other bills makes it explicit that Arizona businesses have no obligation to provide translators for potential customers or clients who don’t speak English. The third bill aims to prevent the ethnic-studies curricula in Arizona public schools from being training classes for another generation of race-focused grievance merchants. These other two bills have been discussed by Brenda Walker (here) and Rob Sanchez (here), respectively.
Further, Brewer hasn’t backed down under the coast-to-coast vituperation resulting from her signature on SB1070. Instead, she’s found her voice, as noted by Larry Auster here and here.
Thus Brewer is that rarity among contemporary American politicians: She has a spine! Still, the execration from all directions must be at least somewhat daunting. So let’s barrage her with postcards expressing our gratitude and support.
Postcards are good because they’re tangible (unlike emails), colorful (if you send a picture postcard that features your locale), and easy to deal with: There’s nothing to open, and your message has to be short. Further, if you sign it and just give your city and state (i.e. no street address), it’s clear that no response is expected.
Here’s what I managed to — legibly — squeeze onto a card whose front is a spectacular photo of the rushing Gallatin River amid the Spanish Peaks:
Dear Gov. Brewer,
I wish you were here, signing good laws in Montana, too! I’m thinking of SB1070, the one against forcing businesses to supply translators, and the one against ethnic studies classes that teach sedition and hatred of whites. I’m sure citizens across the country envy Arizonans for having a governor with the courage to stand up for citizens’ interests.
To your good health!
Paul Nachman
Bozeman, MT
Her snail-mail address is
Governor Jan Brewer
1700 W. Washington
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Currently, postage for an “ordinary-sized” postcard (mine is 4″ X 5.75″) is $0.28.
Let’s swamp her with approval coming from all 50 states!
Article printed from VDARE.com: Blog Articles: http://blog.vdare.com
URL to article: http://blog.vdare.com/archives/2010/05/20/attagirl-postcards-for-arizonas-governor-brewer/
Since it's "Draw Mohammed Day" .....................................
I'll just borrow from Gustave Dore:

Mohammed, in whatever circle of hell, per Dante, split with entrails falling out .............................

Mohammed, in whatever circle of hell, per Dante, split with entrails falling out .............................
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Yeah, 'we' Americans are just stupid ....................................
here's a couple of good ol' boys who have one of THE most sensible ideas I've seen for the already-spilled oil .......................... but will those presumably "in charge" even LISTEN to them? Or, will the Southern accents immediately cause complete deafness?
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Reading a bit about Elena Kagan as SCOTUS
nominee - it seems a LOT of folks are focusing on her sexuality, whatever it may be .......................... HERE'S my take on that, FWIW - as long as she doesn't force her attentions on someone not interested/a child/an animal, WHAT BLOODY DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE who she sleeps with? I presume she's of sufficient maturity {as a former Dean of Harvard Law} to make her own decisions about WHO she loves.
MY issues with her are regarding her denying military recruiters access to students; of course, what would you expect from me, as a former Woman Marine?
MY issues with her are regarding her denying military recruiters access to students; of course, what would you expect from me, as a former Woman Marine?
Sorry, but this one kicks over my giggle box ................................
to quote our Beloved LawDog ....................
Impressive, innit, how the 'human rights activist' claims hanging from the yardarm would've been "more humane"?
Captured Somali pirates 'dead' - Russia
Captured Somali pirates 'dead' - Russia
* From: AFP
* May 12, 2010 12:48AM
A GROUP of Somali pirates captured by the Russian navy in the Gulf of Aden and then set free in a boat are most probably dead after failing to reach the shore, a Russian defence source said.
The 10 pirates were captured last week after seizing a Russian oil tanker but were then unexpectedly released, with Russian officials saying there was insufficient legal basis to keep them in detention.
"According to the latest information, the pirates who seized the Moscow University oil tanker failed to reach the shore. Evidently, they have all died," the high-ranking source was quoted as saying by all Russia's official news agencies.
The source said that radio signals from the boat stopped just one hour after it had been set free by the Russian navy.
No details were given over the manner in which they could have lost their lives.
Reports have said that after their release the Russian navy put the pirates in a boat 550km offshore, removing all weaponry and navigational equipment from the vessel.
"It would have been more humane to have hung them up from the yardarm," a rights activist, whose name was not given, told the Kommersant daily at the weekend.
Marines from the Russian destroyer Marshal Shaposhnikov freed the tanker from the pirate's grasp in a dawn operation last week hailed as exemplary by Russian defence experts and officials.
President Dmitry Medvedev said the raid was "sharp, professional and quick" and ordered medals for all those involved in the rescue.
The fate of the pirates had been a mystery.
Media had at the weekend published a picture taken by state media showing 10 pirates lying face down, hands tied behind their back on the red deck of the Russian ship.
A top naval official also told Kommersant that the Russian navy had originally planned to accompany the pirates to within 20km of the shore but the offer of escort was turned down.
But Somalia's ambassador to Moscow Mohammed Handule denied that the Russian navy had acted improperly in the affair.
"Not one Somali or the government of our country sees Russia as being guilty in this. The Russian military showed they can act effectively so that not one crew member of the captured tanker was hurt."
"This is the most important thing," he said according to the ITAR-TASS news agency.
Russian shipping expert Mikhail Voitenko said reports about the pirates being set free in a boat could just be covering the possibility they had all been killed in the raid to free the Moscow University.
"I think this is linked to the fact nobody released the pirates and they were killed in the operation," Voitenko, editor of the Maritime Bulletin, told Moscow Echo radio.
"Then someone had the not very intelligent idea 'Let's pretend that they were released in the middle of the ocean hundreds of miles from the shore without any navigational aids'."
After the tanker was recaptured, officials had also sent conflicting signals about the future of the pirates.
Russia's investigative committee of prosecutors had said steps were being taken to bring the pirates to Moscow to face charges but later backtracked, saying that this was not being discussed.
The episode is the latest high-seas intrigue involving Russia, after the disappearance last year of the Maltese-flagged Arctic Sea ship which some reports said was carrying an illicit Russian arms cargo for Iran.
Russia denied the charges and arrested eight "pirates" who it said had hijacked the vessel.
Impressive, innit, how the 'human rights activist' claims hanging from the yardarm would've been "more humane"?
Captured Somali pirates 'dead' - Russia
Captured Somali pirates 'dead' - Russia
* From: AFP
* May 12, 2010 12:48AM
A GROUP of Somali pirates captured by the Russian navy in the Gulf of Aden and then set free in a boat are most probably dead after failing to reach the shore, a Russian defence source said.
The 10 pirates were captured last week after seizing a Russian oil tanker but were then unexpectedly released, with Russian officials saying there was insufficient legal basis to keep them in detention.
"According to the latest information, the pirates who seized the Moscow University oil tanker failed to reach the shore. Evidently, they have all died," the high-ranking source was quoted as saying by all Russia's official news agencies.
The source said that radio signals from the boat stopped just one hour after it had been set free by the Russian navy.
No details were given over the manner in which they could have lost their lives.
Reports have said that after their release the Russian navy put the pirates in a boat 550km offshore, removing all weaponry and navigational equipment from the vessel.
"It would have been more humane to have hung them up from the yardarm," a rights activist, whose name was not given, told the Kommersant daily at the weekend.
Marines from the Russian destroyer Marshal Shaposhnikov freed the tanker from the pirate's grasp in a dawn operation last week hailed as exemplary by Russian defence experts and officials.
President Dmitry Medvedev said the raid was "sharp, professional and quick" and ordered medals for all those involved in the rescue.
The fate of the pirates had been a mystery.
Media had at the weekend published a picture taken by state media showing 10 pirates lying face down, hands tied behind their back on the red deck of the Russian ship.
A top naval official also told Kommersant that the Russian navy had originally planned to accompany the pirates to within 20km of the shore but the offer of escort was turned down.
But Somalia's ambassador to Moscow Mohammed Handule denied that the Russian navy had acted improperly in the affair.
"Not one Somali or the government of our country sees Russia as being guilty in this. The Russian military showed they can act effectively so that not one crew member of the captured tanker was hurt."
"This is the most important thing," he said according to the ITAR-TASS news agency.
Russian shipping expert Mikhail Voitenko said reports about the pirates being set free in a boat could just be covering the possibility they had all been killed in the raid to free the Moscow University.
"I think this is linked to the fact nobody released the pirates and they were killed in the operation," Voitenko, editor of the Maritime Bulletin, told Moscow Echo radio.
"Then someone had the not very intelligent idea 'Let's pretend that they were released in the middle of the ocean hundreds of miles from the shore without any navigational aids'."
After the tanker was recaptured, officials had also sent conflicting signals about the future of the pirates.
Russia's investigative committee of prosecutors had said steps were being taken to bring the pirates to Moscow to face charges but later backtracked, saying that this was not being discussed.
The episode is the latest high-seas intrigue involving Russia, after the disappearance last year of the Maltese-flagged Arctic Sea ship which some reports said was carrying an illicit Russian arms cargo for Iran.
Russia denied the charges and arrested eight "pirates" who it said had hijacked the vessel.
Monday, May 10, 2010
I was ready to go 'Golden Flounce' today ................................
Walgreen's down here has clinics IN the stores - presumably, to offer care/vaccinations that one's doc doesn't carry all the time - MY doc gave me a scrip for the Zostavax vaccine {for shingles} - WALGREEN'S "policy" is to offer it ONLY to people over 60 - the FDA recommends people 60 & over get it - but it's APPROVED for people age 18 & over - soooooo, back to the doctors' office, to have THEM order it {it's frozen, so that places restrictions on storage} & administer it to me ..................... I've ABOUT had enough of this 'nanny-state' crap - I'm an adult full-grown, MY DOCTOR decided this was a good choice for me, and the idea of spending the next SEVEN YEARS waiting to be 'old enough' to receive a vaccine that will a) help preclude the agony of the post-herpetic neuralgia, and b) preclude my having to overuse medications such as Valtrex {and causing the same problems with anti-virals that we're experiencing with antibiotics, ie, causing the 'bugs' to develop immunity TO the meds} is enough to pi$$ off the Pope ..................... not only did my doc PRESCRIBE it, our insurance COVERS it - so, my question becomes, who the HELL does Walgreen's think they are, to deny this service?


Sunday, May 9, 2010
Friday night before payday @ ANY USMC 'slop-chute' ...........................
From Theo Spark ................... 'Slop-Chute' is the term for the clubs on base that serve adult beverages .................. I've SEEN Marines like this! {MAY have been one on occasion} ;-) ;-)
Video: Jungle Alcohol
This is a real video from a French documentary about Africa .
There are trees that grow in Africa which, once a year,
produce very juicy fruits that contain a large percentage of alcohol. Because there is a shortage of water, as soon as the fruits are ripe, animals come there to help protect themselves from the heat. What happens next, you can watch for yourselves.
Video: Jungle Alcohol
This is a real video from a French documentary about Africa .
There are trees that grow in Africa which, once a year,
produce very juicy fruits that contain a large percentage of alcohol. Because there is a shortage of water, as soon as the fruits are ripe, animals come there to help protect themselves from the heat. What happens next, you can watch for yourselves.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Hmmmm, any doubts this is real?
In case you can't read the sign {sorry, don't know how to "embiggen" as HillBuzz says}, the sign reads:
Give us FREE
health care
jobs - no taxes
you OWE us America!
We will shoot
more police in
Arizona until
we get free!
Ye-eah, I'm not so sure but that this is a 'shoot oneself in the foot' moment .................................
Give us FREE
health care
jobs - no taxes
you OWE us America!
We will shoot
more police in
Arizona until
we get free!
Ye-eah, I'm not so sure but that this is a 'shoot oneself in the foot' moment .................................
You have two families: "Joe Legal" and "Jose Illegal".
Both families have two parents, two children, and live in California.
Joe Legal works in construction, has a Social Security Number and makes $25.00 per hour with taxes deducted.
Jose Illegal also works in construction, has NO Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash "under the table".
Ready? Now pay attention....
Joe Legal: $25.00 per hour x 40 hours = $1000.00 per week, or $52,000.00 per year. Now take 30% away for state and federal tax; Joe Legal now has $31,231.00.
Jose Illegal: $15.00 per hour x 40 hours = $600.00 per week, or $31,200.00 per year. Jose Illegal pays no taxes. Jose Illegal now has $31,200.00.
Joe Legal pays medical and dental insurance with limited coverage for his family at $600.00 per month, or $7,200.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $24,031.00.
Jose Illegal has full medical and dental coverage through the state and local clinics at a cost of $0.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.
Joe Legal makes too much money and is not eligible for food stamps or Welfare. Joe Legal pays $500.00 per month for food, or $6,000.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $18,031.00.
Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for food stamps and welfare. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.
Joe Legal pays rent of $1,200.00 per month, or $14,400.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $9,631.00.
Jose Illegal receives a $500.00 per month federal rent subsidy. Jose Illegal pays out that $500.00 per month, or $6,000.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $ 31,200.00.
Joe Legal pays $200.00 per month, or $2,400.00 for insurance. Joe Legal now has $7,231.00.
Jose Illegal says, "We don't need no stinkin' insurance!" and still has $31,200..00.
Joe Legal has to make his $7,231.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, Etc.
Jose Illegal has to make his $31,200.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, and what he sends out of the country every month.
Joe Legal now works overtime on Saturdays or gets a part time job after work.
Jose Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family.
Joe Legal's and Jose Illegal's children both attend the same school. Joe Legal pays for his children's lunches while Jose Illegal's children get a government sponsored lunch. Jose Illegal's children have an after School ESL program. Joe Legal's children go home.
Joe Legal and Jose Illegal both enjoy the same police and fire services, but Joe paid for them and Jose did not pay.
Jose with his free tax payer entitlements makes $65,000.00 a year!
Do you get it, now?
If you vote for or support any politician that supports illegal Aliens... You are part of the problem!
It's way PAST time to take a stand for America and Americans!
What are you waiting for? ..
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