Sunday, September 20, 2009

Patrice Lewis has a GREAT column up .........................................

The arrogance is breathtaking - I've been saying for months that Obama's biggest problem is his arrogance - his snooty, 'stench in his nostrils' poses, his condescending, patronizing comments .......................... and don't get me started on his pompous, ignorant a$$ of a "press secretary", much less any of the other WH 'staffers' ............................

HERE'S the thing - if 'they' were all that certain of the "rightness" of all the crap they're trying to cram down our collective throats, there wouldn't be the accusations of Nazism by Pelooser et al, or the mumblings of Dingy Harry of Nevada, or the "teabagger" comments of Janeane Garofalo - but now that the shoe is on the other foot, it appears to be pinching a bit - a Dem you DON'T hear referred to too much anymore, had a saying, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen" ..........................


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