Wednesday, December 24, 2008

New job is right on a major north-south interstate ............................................

we were getting a LOT of folks over the last week headed to Mexico, Guatemala, etc. This morning, had a young, VERY sweet young Mexican with limited English proficiency in, getting coffee, etc. As he was leaving the first time, I wished him Feliz Navidad; apparently, he's not too used to kindness/respect from most folks he deals with - he came back & tried chitchatting - asked my name, asked if I was married {bear in mind, he's late 20's/early 30's - I'm 52 & LOOK it! ;-) } - he wanted to buy me a Coke, or a beer - I think it was merely loneliness, in that he was unable to go "home", wherever that might be, and a little bit of kindness was interpreted as something more - no biggie, I can pretty much handle "situations" ......................... but he's most likely illegal, and I AM vehemently opposed to illegal immigration - don't care where you come from, as long as you come here legally ........................ but I have to admit a certain sympathy for people such as this young man ................... if Mexico & other places spent as much time FIXING their countries, as they do haranguing the U.S. to leave their illegal citizens alone here, folks such as this young man wouldn't NEED to come here as economic refugees .........................


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