Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ohhh, "Anonymous"?

You can kiss my original EGA tattoo - you'd probably be more comfortable among the 'Obots' @ HuffPo or other "progressive" outlets - obviously, you believe in "The Won's" message of 'hopenchange' - keep drinking that KoolAid ....................................

Note to others - "Anonymous", in addition to hiding behind his/her keyboard, admonished me that I should be 'ashamed' for posting a great article by Jenn Q. Public - and, just for the record, my original EGA is on my left hip, in back ..............................


1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Get em... :-) They obviously do NOT have the balls to stand up for what the 'believe' and only know how to cheap shot people...

WV- piddly That's probably what they're doing... piddling in the corner after being called out :-)