Sunday, April 4, 2010

Now, I've no great admiration for Ted Turner ...............................

I believe grown men playing at 'radical chic' is rather pathetic; THAT said, I have to give the devil his due, in that Turner's TCM channel is THE ONLY ONE I can find that recognizes some folks might prefer movies that celebrate their faith on Easter Sunday - as a child of the 60's & 70's, I find it sad that not ONE purveyor of 'entertainment' is willing to show Jesus Christ Superstar, for example, much less The Passion of the Christ - guess the whole idea of Christianity is just too damn inflammatory ................................... and yes, I realize that Turner probably doesn't make a lot of day-to-day decisions re: programming, but I'd be my bottom dollar that he's well-aware of his staff's choices ................................

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Old NFO said...

Sad but true... I can remember when we only HAD three channels, there was always an Easter Service on and an Easter movie...

Diamond Mair said...

Even Easter Parade, with Judy Garland & Fred Astaire {?} would be preferable to the paucity of choice yesterday ....................

Semper Fi'