Tuesday, December 1, 2009

From the "if you SEE something, SAY something" files ....................................

couple of weeks ago, news report were that a flight was delayed, from Atlanta to Houston; WHAT WE WERE TOLD WAS, "a passenger" refused to end a cellphone call - OK, most folks gaff it off, figure he'd been too indulgent in the airport bar(s), & the flight crew, TSA, airport security would handle it, right? Seems that's not quite the full story .........................

From Old NFO, a report from a former U.S. Navy diver who was initially on the flight, before it left Atlanta.

THIS is the narrative of a Chaplain who got on the flight after most of the drama had occurred ..........................

Thank God there were people on the plane who weren't willing to "go quietly".


UPDATE: I sent an eMail to The Atlanta Journal Constitution last night, calling them to task for glossing over this 'incident', which devolved into a snark-fest with their "evening news manager"; he went to Old NFO and responded to my comments there via eMail - apparently, he was too unsure of their 'reportage' to assert their veracity in an open forum. ANYhoo, I eMailed the Chaplain mentioned above, to thank him for his account - HE had just gotten off the phone with the AJC, and they were 'digging deeper'. SOOOOOO, thanks to "citizen advocacy" as opposed to "advocacy journalism", we MAY get the real story from the MSM, yet.



Nemesis said...

Hello DM...did this make Fox News?

While I find the incident disturbing and representative of what budding Jihadis would pull...is there anyway it can be verified?

My problem with this incident is that the 11 'pretend terrorists' were put back on the flight when they should have been made to board separate flights.

If this incident occurred as is presented then this is PC out of control and a terrorist act in the making!

Diamond Mair said...

Sorry it took so long to post your comment, Nemesis - problems with notification ...................

I've not seen ANYTHING in the MSM admitting this - not Fox, not NBC, NONE of'em ................. the Atlanta Journal Constitution glosses it over {had some fun with a 'news manager' there last night - he's one of those insecure types that HAS to have the last word ;-) } - but - consider Old NFO's comments - HE'S taking the report @ face value - as a Navy Mustang, he has a little more insight than Joe Civilian or some junior enlisted {like me} - plus, I have issues with dismissing the account of the Chaplain.

I agree, PC is out of control - check out Michelle Malkin's article: http://michellemalkin.com/2009/12/01/race-hustling-meltdown-of-the-day/ - if all were 'equal', Mr. Barron would have been escorted from the room in handcuffs .................

Nemesis said...

No need to apologize DM...I'm a patient man, which is something you learn through life and I guess not applicable to younger shoulders.

This incident would not be the first to go 'under the radar' and probably won't be the last.

The self censoring MSM has a lot to answer for if this incident has been noted but not publicly aired.

I just hope and pray that the next terrorist attack against westerners includes those that have championed PC views and Islamic values.

Now that would be justice served!