Saturday, June 2, 2007

Admittedly, I'm not a big fan of "hunting" ................................

and stories like THIS "Feral" Pig was pet cause me greater heartburn ............................
Now, I understand the absolute need to control wildlife populations ......................... but most of my experience has been with people from cities {Washington, DC; Philadelphia; New York; etc} in rural Pennsylvania, who don't even know how to field dress their kills ......................... in the case of 'Fred' - he WAS A PET - he TRUSTED humans - he associated humans with being FED - and yet, 'hunting' & killing him is considered SPORT? Sorry, but that is in NO WAY a "sport", in my estimation ...........................


KG said...

It wasn't hunting and it wasn't sport.
It was a senseless, stupid and clumsy killing to satisfy some kid's ego. I often wonder how brave some of these "hunters" would be if faced with a Cape buffalo or an animal which could shoot back.......
Yes, I've hunted all my life. Dangerous game, on foot and mostly through necessity. Nevertheless, I find myself increasingly ashamed of having killed innocent animals. Maybe young men are simply programmed to do it, I'm not sure.

RobC said...

A pig that big is as near feral as you can get and dangerous as a buffalo. My dad has the scar on his leg from a pig one tenth that size.