Bush removes provision requiring back taxes from illegal immigrants
Not only are we by-God going to have amnesty crammed down our collective citizens' throats, but WE get to cover the freakin' illegals' tax bill ..................... somebody needs to use a clue-by-four on Chertoff - if they can't get'em for taxes, how in the HELL will they ensure that terrorists aren't dumped on us yet AGAIN???
I can't wait for Bush to leave office. Did we expect anything less from him? He's got us paying for all the wars, rebuilding and such, and now this! Why can't we he just help us people right here in the US? There are homeless and starving Vets sleeping right outside his window and he doesn't care. Makes me sick!
Holy mackerel. I didn't know that. I need to go shoot something now.
You know, I have been perpetually baffled that liberals don't love Bush-- he's gotten more done on their score than Clinton achieved, in a lot of ways.
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