Monday, September 23, 2013

Sooo, I'm working armed security for a company that has U. S. government

contracts, plus some proprietary "things" they want to keep proprietary.  Seems it would be a no-brainer that all who desire access have appropriate ID, correct?  Not so much ...............................

Today, we had the third, in as many weeks, of fake ID used to try to gain access - this one was GOOD, but for the little problems of no holograms, plus it was an expired ID - the young man ultimately admitted he'd bought it "somewhere".

Note to the criminal illegal alien contingent - it just might behoove you to ensure that your fake ID is, at the very least, CURRENT.

We have recently stopped asking people if they were citizens, because some grievance monger found it to be "insulting" - yeah, I know, right?  So we now allow all & sundry with 'valid' ID access, whether it's "limited term" or some other variation that indicates, to anyone with 2 semi-functioning brain cells, that the holder is in the country under less-than-clear circumstances.  It's frustrating as hell, but since 'we're' not the "deep pockets", the "deep pockets" dictate our authority. 

Oh, and the 3 with fake IDs?  We merely denied them access .................................


1 comment:

Old NFO said...

Feel for ya... NOT going to be a lot of fun!