of the Rainbow Bridge for one of the strays ......................... Curly Joe showed up one day, hungry, and just stayed. He never bothered anyone, never let anyone get too close - he got his name from one of his ears having long-ago severe cartilage injury. A neighbor's 4 dogs got out, and decided 1/10th mile wasn't too far to wander to find something to terrorize - they started with ShortSh#t, but I came out in time to keep him from more than ruffled/slobbered-on fur - they then took off after Curly Joe, chased him UNDER the house - by the time I could get to him, he was laying there, covered in mud, minus one lower canine {I hope it ROTS in whatever dog did the most damage}, bleeding internally. He's in a crate right now, on egg crate foam. The FodGuy is LIVID - he wants any & every legal means used against these folks - their dogs get loose regularly, but this is the first time I'd seen them go after anything .......................... so, I'm on a death watch ...........................
UPDATE: Curly Joe crossed the Rainbow Bridge around 1854 CT ................................... I SO hope there is a place for you, Curly Joe, where you know love, no hunger, and no fear .....................................
UPDATE II: Animal Control came by yesterday; I received the usual 'if you're feeding the animals, you're responsible', and 'cats have to be contained just like dogs' {like THAT works so well!}. I don't think she realized the distance the dogs had to travel to get here - she did leave either a warning or a citation on the dog owners' front door. Also, I asked about MY rights regarding protecting the animals on MY property - she said for shooting, I'd have to check with the Sheriff's office {we're within 'city limits'} - I said I wasn't talking about shooting, rather beating the dogs with some 1'x2's screwed together - she indicated that was OK. I also mentioned putting my hand/leg where the dogs' teeth just happened to be - she said, no, that will hurt - I just LOOKED at her {for those who may be new, I've been bitten several times by feral cats, and a couple of other peoples' pets - it's no biggie to me}.
Several neighbors were available to validate; Animal Control also wants photos of the dogs running, for evidentiary purposes ............................................ one of the problems we're all facing is that the husband of the dog owner couple is Mexican from Mexico - having lived there, I can tell you that cats are NOT valued - generally, the best cats get is neglected, at worst, they are tortured.
UPDATE III: As I told Gecko in comments, what hurts the most is, when he was alive and mobile, Curly Joe wouldn't allow the FodGuy or me closer than 2 feet, but he had the sweetest, kitten-like meow, sitting at the bottom of the steps, when I'd open the front door to feed the outside cats, and he'd "talk" to both of us. As he was dying in my arms, he gave out with the LOUDEST purr I've ever heard from a domestic cat ...................... the FodGuy says he was saying 'thank you' for the little time and comfort we gave him. Last night, as he parked, the FodGuy said he was looking for Curly Joe, sitting next to the Caliber, waiting to greet him ......................................
UPDATE II: Animal Control came by yesterday; I received the usual 'if you're feeding the animals, you're responsible', and 'cats have to be contained just like dogs' {like THAT works so well!}. I don't think she realized the distance the dogs had to travel to get here - she did leave either a warning or a citation on the dog owners' front door. Also, I asked about MY rights regarding protecting the animals on MY property - she said for shooting, I'd have to check with the Sheriff's office {we're within 'city limits'} - I said I wasn't talking about shooting, rather beating the dogs with some 1'x2's screwed together - she indicated that was OK. I also mentioned putting my hand/leg where the dogs' teeth just happened to be - she said, no, that will hurt - I just LOOKED at her {for those who may be new, I've been bitten several times by feral cats, and a couple of other peoples' pets - it's no biggie to me}.
Several neighbors were available to validate; Animal Control also wants photos of the dogs running, for evidentiary purposes ............................................ one of the problems we're all facing is that the husband of the dog owner couple is Mexican from Mexico - having lived there, I can tell you that cats are NOT valued - generally, the best cats get is neglected, at worst, they are tortured.
UPDATE III: As I told Gecko in comments, what hurts the most is, when he was alive and mobile, Curly Joe wouldn't allow the FodGuy or me closer than 2 feet, but he had the sweetest, kitten-like meow, sitting at the bottom of the steps, when I'd open the front door to feed the outside cats, and he'd "talk" to both of us. As he was dying in my arms, he gave out with the LOUDEST purr I've ever heard from a domestic cat ...................... the FodGuy says he was saying 'thank you' for the little time and comfort we gave him. Last night, as he parked, the FodGuy said he was looking for Curly Joe, sitting next to the Caliber, waiting to greet him ......................................
I'm sorry to hear that DM,I also would be livid, and wanting revenge!!
Thank you, Gecko - what HURTS so badly, what allowed me only 2 hours' sleep, is that this poor cat, who would never let anyone within 2 feet of himself {an THEN, only the FodGuy & myself} was PURRING while I held him - this kitten-voiced cat had the purr of a giant .................... the FodGuy said it was his way of saying 'Thank you' for the care we had given him .................. sorry, eyes are watering again ....................
Semper Fi'
Ahh, God bless your little guy (and you.) I've been there. . .
Thank you, NavyOne
Semper Fi'
Sad for your loss, and and yeah, go after them... PERIOD!
Perhaps ir would be prudent to arrange for some other canines to visit doggy heaven.
Old NFO - yeah, the FodGuy, when we talked on the 24th {while he was @ work} started in on all legal means to go after the owners ...............
Anonymous, also on the 24th, the first words out of the FodGuy's mouth were "Why didn't you shoot the damn dogs?" {Uhhh, because we're within 'city limits' and I'm not that confident in my shooting yet?} HE figures I could've used shotgun, I'd prefer to get a snake gun - he's 6'2", I'm 5'6" - and he won't let me get the shotgun barrel shortened to ~ 19" .....................
Gonna update "results" on the blog ..................
Semper Fi'
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