Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I'm supervising the crossing .....................................

of the Rainbow Bridge for one of the strays ......................... Curly Joe showed up one day, hungry, and just stayed. He never bothered anyone, never let anyone get too close - he got his name from one of his ears having long-ago severe cartilage injury. A neighbor's 4 dogs got out, and decided 1/10th mile wasn't too far to wander to find something to terrorize - they started with ShortSh#t, but I came out in time to keep him from more than ruffled/slobbered-on fur - they then took off after Curly Joe, chased him UNDER the house - by the time I could get to him, he was laying there, covered in mud, minus one lower canine {I hope it ROTS in whatever dog did the most damage}, bleeding internally. He's in a crate right now, on egg crate foam. The FodGuy is LIVID - he wants any & every legal means used against these folks - their dogs get loose regularly, but this is the first time I'd seen them go after anything .......................... so, I'm on a death watch ...........................

UPDATE:  Curly Joe crossed the Rainbow Bridge around 1854 CT ................................... I SO hope there is a place for you, Curly Joe, where you know love, no hunger, and no fear .....................................

UPDATE II:  Animal Control came by yesterday; I received the usual 'if you're feeding the animals, you're responsible', and 'cats have to be contained just like dogs' {like THAT works so well!}.  I don't think she realized the distance the dogs had to travel to get here - she did leave either a warning or a citation on the dog owners' front door.  Also, I asked about MY rights regarding protecting the animals on MY property - she said for shooting, I'd have to check with the Sheriff's office {we're within 'city limits'} - I said I wasn't talking about shooting, rather beating the dogs with some 1'x2's screwed together - she indicated that was OK.  I also mentioned putting my hand/leg where the dogs' teeth just happened to be - she said, no, that will hurt - I just LOOKED at her {for those who may be new, I've been bitten several times by feral cats, and a couple of other peoples' pets - it's no biggie to me}.

Several neighbors were available to validate; Animal Control also wants photos of the dogs running, for evidentiary purposes ............................................ one of the problems we're all facing is that the husband of the dog owner couple is Mexican from Mexico - having lived there, I can tell you that cats are NOT valued - generally, the best cats get is neglected, at worst, they are tortured.

UPDATE III:  As I told Gecko in comments, what hurts the most is, when he was alive and mobile, Curly Joe wouldn't allow the FodGuy or me closer than 2 feet, but he had the sweetest, kitten-like meow, sitting at the bottom of the steps, when I'd open the front door to feed the outside cats, and he'd "talk" to both of us.   As he was dying in my arms, he gave out with the LOUDEST purr I've ever heard from a domestic cat ...................... the FodGuy says he was saying 'thank you' for the little time and comfort we gave him.  Last night, as he parked, the FodGuy said he was looking for Curly Joe, sitting next to the Caliber, waiting to greet him ......................................


Friday, April 20, 2012

After personal issues with B of A locally,

{unnecessarily rude & obnoxious} I wouldn't have given them the time of day; the below just solidifies my decision ....................................... link to full article here.

"BREAKING: Bank of America Reportedly Drops Gun Company for Political Reasons

The reported reason: they simply do not want to be associated with gun companies.
Bob Owens
April 20, 2012 - 12:30 pm

McMillan Fiberglass Stocks, McMillan Firearms Manufacturing, McMillan Group International have been collectively banking with Bank of America for 12 years. Today Mr. Ray Fox, Senior Vice President, Market Manager, Business Banking, Global Commercial Banking came to my office. He scheduled the meeting as an “account analysis” meeting in order to evaluate the two lines of credit we have with them. He spent five minutes talking about how McMillan has changed in the last five years and have become more of a firearms manufacturer than a supplier of accessories.

At this point I interrupted him and asked “Can I possible save you some time so that you don’t waste your breath? What you are going to tell me is that because we are in the firearms manufacturing business you no longer what my business.”

“That is correct” he says."


Monday, April 9, 2012

Soooo, *I* don't get bunnies, or chicks, or ducklings for Easter ............................

as y'all know, we feed the stray cats that are abandoned; many have become feral, and won't allow anyone to touch them. We've been feeding a mama tabby & her progeny when she brings them to us for ~ 4 years now. The first kitten of hers I found was RainGirl, who was about 12 weeks old when I caught her, was never very healthy, and died young - at least she was well-fed and treated gently. Next time was a clutch of 3 - Mama by this time was coming regularly to eat, and she brought some 8 week old kittens that remained feral, and seemed rather inbred {hip joint and neuro deficits}; they lasted longer than RainGirl, but just didn't ever allow us close, except for one when it was poisoned. Last time, she brought three 6 week old kittens that I caught, crated & brought in the house {several bites & scratches later ;) } to socialize - found homes for all 3. 

Yesterday, as we were sitting outside, the FodGuy was working on the Neon, I was providing 'moral support', Mama comes up with 1 kitten - eyes/ears still closed, umbilical still attached, & tried to take over the shed as a nursery. I caught her before she hid the kitten, put it in a crate, and she went off for another .......................... and another ......................... AND another - I crated each one & put her in with them whenever she wanted - let her out to stretch her legs in the afternoon, the FodGuy & I were sitting there - she wandered out of sight, trusting us with her babies, while she took care of personal needs ..................... they're now in the second bathroom, Mama seems content to keep them in the crate {rather than seeking another hiding place, say, under the sink}.

Then, today:  A lot of secondary roads down here have shoulders almost as wide as the lanes of traffic; today, after I'd discharged my civic obligation {jury duty, wasn't selected}, I was on my way home when I saw a tortoise/box turtle on the shoulder, heading into traffic. I couldn't immediately stop/turn around/backup, so I went ~ a mile down the road and came back - by that time, this suicidal critter was in the middle of the eastbound lane - I got it, brought it home & took it to The Progeny, who's crazy about them - it's already flipped itself on it's back with her - I'm thinking the name "Painless" as in Suicide is Painless ................. ;) 


Saturday, April 7, 2012

To Christians, of whatever variant, Happy Easter!

from a {lapsed} mackeral-snapper ;-)

And to any Jewish visitors,
ברוך אתה יהוה שלנו g-d, ריבון העולמים, מי מקדשת אותנו עם מצוות, ציווה לנו כדי להדליק את האור (של שבת של) החג.
{ Blessed art thou, Lord our G-d, Master of the universe,
who sanctifies us with Your commandments, and commanded us
to kindle the light (of shabbat and of) the holiday.}

בשנה הבאה בירושלים.
{Next year in Jerusalem}
