Primarily, a place for folks to gather .................. if I {we?} can give you a chuckle, or a bit of hope, GREAT! If I make you think, so much the better ................. and if I encourage you to research for yourselves, to make your own, independent judgments - I will be fulfilled.
Monday, March 5, 2012
As HillBuzz says, "Be Breitbart, Baby!"
For whatever reason, I can't get to the video in this link to Michelle Malkin to post; therefore, I strongly urge you to click the link and at the very least, scroll down to the I Am Andrew Breitbart video ....................
Yep, we NEED to have people continue his legacy...
Preaching to the choir here, Sir - can you just IMAGINE his response to the Fluke/Rush kerfuffle? ;-)
Semper Fi'
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